Реферат: | eng: The Kuznetsk-Altai regional structure was formed as a result of the Tuva-Mongolian and Dzungarian microcontinents convergence due to the mechanisms and energy of interblock crustal systems collision, mainly in the Late Paleozoic. The main tectonic consequence of the blocks convergence and the frontal blocks collision is the formation of an asymmetrically wedge-shaped regional geological structures ensemble due to uneven convergence and rotation of lithospheric blocks of different-scales lithospheric blocks. Among them deformation systems and deformation-metamorphic zones attract special attention. Their distribution underlines the regional structural asymmetry. Particular attention is paid to deformation-metamorphic zones, which not only form the tectonic framework of collision joints, but also contain the range of the ore deposits of the region under study. They are characterized by the maximum transformation of matter with intense stress metamorphism of protolith rocks. The tectonic zoning of the Kuznetsk-Altai region is based on the deformation-metamorphic approach, consisting of three principles: 1) the principle of the geological situation mapping adequacy, excluding reconstruction procedure of the composition and structure of the pre-deformation rock substrate; 2) the principle of the main tectonite complex identifying and its detailing on a structural-material basis; 3) the principle of inter- and extrapolation of the geological boundaries of newly formed bodies of dynamometamorphic nature. The Irtysh and Kedrovsko-Butachikha zones are briefly presented as reference examples, and a detailed structural model of the Kurai deformation-metamorphic zone is presented for the first time. Deformation-metamorphic structures consist of various tectonites: dynamoclastites, shale blastomylonites (tectonic schists) and tectonomixtites (melange). As a result of tectonic zoning three subdivisions have been distinguished in the Kurai zone: 1) Tongulak deformation-metamorphic zone; 2) Kubadra system of deformation and deformation-metamorphic structures; 3) Southern belt of deformation-metamorphic and fold-thrust block structures. They differ in composition, degree of deformation and dynamometamorphic transformations of rock complexes, the presence of tectonites of various textural and structural types, etc. Via Ar-Ar dating of tectonites, the time of the main deformation-metamorphic events corresponding to the Late Paleozoic stage of the structuring of the earth's crust in the Kuznetsk-Altai region, which led to the formation of the observed structure, is defned. The uniformity of the structure of the deformation-metamorphic structures of the region under study was established. It does not depend on the scale of manifestation, coordinates and orientation in space, the time of formation, as well as the mineral basis of the predeformation substrate.