Инд. авторы: | Маликова Е.Л. |
Заглавие: | Об эоловых формах рельефа на примере надымского приобья |
Библ. ссылка: | Маликова Е.Л. Об эоловых формах рельефа на примере надымского приобья // Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В.И Вернадского. География. Геология. - 2020. - Т.6. - № 3. - С.321-334. - ISSN 2413-1717. |
Внешние системы: | РИНЦ: 44711869; |
Реферат: | rus: В исследовании рассматривается территория песчаного раздува, находящаяся в подзоне северной тайги Западной Сибири, в долине р. Надым. Исследование проведено с применением методов дистанционного зондирования. Анализ высокодетальных космических снимков и материалы полевых исследований, показали распространение на территории Надымского Приобья многообразных форм эолового рельефа. Направление и сила ветра являются главными факторами образования дюн, что подтверждается их ориентацией по направлению преобладающих ветров. eng: Sand massifs are a fairly common element of landscapes in many regions of the world. In the research studing the territory of sand blowing, located in the northern taiga subzone of Western Siberia, in the valley of the Nadym. In order to study the features of the distribution of sandy massifs, the methods of remote sensing were used: space photo and tiles heights (raster cells, in which the data of heights of the terrain are embedded). Processing of remote sensing data is made in the ArcGIS 10.5 software. The classification of K. K. Markov and B.A. Fedorovich was used to distinguish aeolian landforms. Analysis of highly detailed satellite images and field research materials showed the spread of various forms of aeolian relief on the territory of the Nadym Ob Area.The following relief forms were identified: blowout hollows - there are several types of blowout hollows on this territory - complex, overgrown and rake-shaped; blowout hollows between crests; complex of compound curved dunes; a complex of shaft dunes and a single shaft dune; rake dune - shaped dune expanding in the western part of the open area; overgrown longitudinal hollow-ridged dunes most of the study area is occupied by this particular form of relief; semicircular large dunes with polygonal vein cracks; peripheral shafts; dune shafts - longitudinal rises located in the eastern part and directed perpendicular to the main direction of the winds; a large ring dune is a unique form of relief located in the north of this territory due to the peculiarities of the wind regime; parabolic dunes - in the study area, such dunes form in an open area, complicating other forms of relief, such as large semicircular dunes or complex of compound curved dunes; technogenic-transformed and anthropogenic territory - a territory that has undergone major changes with a interruption of the natural cover.Also were analyzed climatic indicators, for this was performed geothermal mapping and the wind rose was created. According to the data of the isothermal map, it can be seen that in winter the isolines bypass the dune only from afar. This may indicate that the temperature is distributed approximately evenly over the territory of the dune in winter. This is apparently due to the continuous snow cover of the territory. In summer, the dune can be distinguished as an island of heat, since the map shows that heat is retained on the territory of the dune, that the sand has a warming effect. This may be due to its mechanical composition, porosity and other properties.Wind direction and strength are the main factors in dune formation. The spatial distribution of the dunes within the sand blowingfits well with the directions and strength of the prevailing winds. The most active movement of the dune occurs in summer, therefore, almost all aeolian forms are concentrated in the southeastern part of the sand blowing, where sand moves under the action of northerly and northwestern winds. Despite the fact that the winds of the southern rumba are close in strength and intensity to the northern winds, most of these winds occur during the cold season. For this reason, the dunes remain practically immobile during the winter season. The frozen and snow- |
Ключевые слова: | космические снимки; Надымское Приобье; дюна; эоловый рельеф; GIS technology; satellite imagery; Nadym Ob area; dune; aeolian relief; ГИС-технологии; |
Издано: | 2020 |
Физ. характеристика: | с.321-334 |
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