Инд. авторы: Гордов Е.П., Окладников И.Г., Титов А.Г., Фазлиев А.З.
Заглавие: Разработка элементов виртуальной исследовательской среды для анализа, оценки и прогнозирования последствий глобальных климатических изменений
Библ. ссылка: Гордов Е.П., Окладников И.Г., Титов А.Г., Фазлиев А.З. Разработка элементов виртуальной исследовательской среды для анализа, оценки и прогнозирования последствий глобальных климатических изменений // Вычислительные технологии. - 2018. - Т.23. - № 4. - С.32-49. - ISSN 1560-7534. - EISSN 2313-691X.
Внешние системы: DOI: 10.25743/ICT.2018.23.16489; РИНЦ: 35562881;
Реферат: rus: Представлены описание и первые результаты разработки виртуальной вычислительно-информационной среды для анализа, оценки и прогноза последствий глобальных климатических изменений окружающей среды и климата в выбранном регионе. Созданная среда основана на информационных ресурсах трехслойной архитектуры.
eng: Intermediate results of the project aimed at improving methods of the detailed analysis, assessment and prediction of global climate change impact on the regional environment and climate are presented. New reliable interactive tools for in-depth statistical analysis and studying climate change impact obtained in this project will provide specialists, professionals, decision-makers and stakeholders with detailed climatic information. The project addresses the development of a topical virtual research environment (VRE) for the comprehensive study of ongoing and possible future climate change. It analyses the relevant subsequent effects. Such VRE will provide full topical informational required for studying regional economic, political and social consequences of the global climate change. The ultimate goal of this work is a design of hardware and software prototype supporting the topical virtual research environment for climate and environmental monitoring and analysis of the impact of climate change on socioeconomic processes on both local and regional scales. This VRE will integrate both already known and new archives of climate data sets with software realizations of traditional and advanced methods for statistical analysis of big spatial data sets. VRE prototype will provide scientists, decision-makers and stakeholders the access to processing resources and services for interactive analysis of geographically distributed spatial data through a web browser. It will present the results of the analysis using geoinformation technologies and ensure the systematization of spatial data and associated climate information. Also, the work describes an ontological approach to this systematization, which makes it possible to compare the semantics of meteorological and climatic parameters used in different collections and applied problems.
Ключевые слова: виртуальная исследовательская среда; большие наборы данных об окружающей среде; climate change; Virtual Research Environment; Big environmental datasets; изменения климата;
Издано: 2018
Физ. характеристика: с.32-49
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