Цитирование: | 1. Bykov, A.A., Schastlivtsev, E.L., Pushkin, S.G., and Klimovich, M.Yu., Development and verification of a local model of pollutant fallout of industrial origin from the atmosphere onto the underlying surface, Khim. Interesah Ustoich. Razvit., 2002, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 563-573.
2. Bykov, A.A., Schastlivtsev, E.L., and Pushkin, S.G., Specifics of the construction and practical application of a local model of soil pollution by technogenic emissions of dust particles, Probl. Bezop. Chrezv. Sit., 2007, no. 4, pp. 74-82.
3. Bykov, A.A., Schastlivtsev, E.L., and Pushkin, S.G., Effect of variations in meteorological parameters and disperse composition of atmospheric emissions on model estimates of industrial dust settling, Vestn. Kemerovsk. Gos. Univ., 2012, vol. 2(52), no. 4, pp. 10-16.
4. Kriterii otsenki ekologicheskoi obstanovki territorii dlya vyyavleniya zon chrezvychainoi ekologicheskoi situatsii i zon ekologicheskogo bedstviya (Criteria for Assessing the Environmental Situation of a Territory to Identify the Zones of Environmental Emergency and Ecological Disorder), Moscow: Ministerstvo prirodnykh resursov RF (NTsPI), 1992.
5. Potapov, V.P., Mazikin, V.P., Schastlivtsev, E.L., and Vashlaeva, N.Yu., Geoekologiya ugledobyvayushchikh raionov Kuzbassa (Geoecology of Kuzbass Coal Mining Regions), Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005.
6. Schastlivtsev E.L. Technogenic impact of coal mines on the environment, Extended Abstract of Doct. Sci. (Eng.) Dissertation, Barnaul: IVEP SO RAN, 2006.
7. Schastlivtsev, E.L., Pushkin, S.G., and Yukina, N.I., Possible ways of improving technical-natural water monitoring system, VIII Sibirskoe Soveshchanie po klimato- ekologicheskomu monotoringu. Mater. Ross. Konf. (VIII Siberian Conference on Climatic-Ecological Monitoring. Mater. Ross. Conf.), Kabanov M.V., Ed., Tomsk, 2009, pp. 279-281.
8. Schastlivtsev, E.L., Pushkin, S.G., and Yukina, N.I., Problems of Present-Day Estimation of Surface Water Conditions in Coal Mining Regions and Ways to Improve the System for Monitoring Technical-Natural Waters, Ekologo-Biologicheskie problemy Sibiri i sopredel’nykh territorii: Mater. I Mezhdunar. nauchno-prakt. konf. (g. Nizhnevartovsk, 25-26 marta 2009 g.) (Ecological-Biological Problems of Siberia and Nearby Territories: Mater. I Intern. Sci.-Pract. Conf. (Nizhnevartovsk C., March 25-26, 2009)), Nizhnevartovsk: Izd. Nizhnevart. Gumanit. Univ., 2009, pp. 163-169.