Инд. авторы: Atutov S.N., Kolinko P.V., Shalagin A.M.
Заглавие: Separation of Lithium Isotopes by Light-Induced Drift
Библ. ссылка: Atutov S.N., Kolinko P.V., Shalagin A.M. Separation of Lithium Isotopes by Light-Induced Drift // Laser Physics. - 1993. - Vol.3. - Iss. 4. - P.855-859. - ISSN 1054-660X. - EISSN 1555-6611.
Внешние системы: WoS: 000207074200008;
Реферат: eng: The results of the first experiment on separation of lithium isotopes by light-induced drift, conducted in a cell of large diameter in the absence of influence of inner walls, are reported in this paper. A natural mixture of lithium isotopes ((6)Li and (7)Li constitute 7.42 and 92.58%, respectively), two dye lasers, exciting each of the isotopes separately, and helium or xenon as buffer gases were used in the experiment. An application of xenon provides the best separation. Relative content of (6)Li was increased by more than 80 times with respect to the initial state.
Издано: 1993
Физ. характеристика: с.855-859