Реферат: | eng: The second part of 1970s is characterized by the beginning of modern global climate change. The frequency of occurrence and impact of precipitation and temperature extremes (heavy precipitation and strong storms, droughts and heat wave) show positive trends in several regions of the world. These events should be analyzed and studied in order to better understand their impact on the environment and be able to predict them and minimize their consequences. The system “Climate” is based on a combined use of web and GIS technologies. It is a part of a hardware and software complex for “cloud” data analysis using various climatic data sets, as well as dedicated algorithms for their searching, extraction, processing, and visualization. Using of this system significantly facilitates and accelerates analysis of big volumes of geospatial data, allowing researchers to perform complex climate data analysis using desktop PCs with internet connection. At this moment the system already has a large number of computational modules that allow calculating both the standard statistical characteristics of meteorological values and extreme indices recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) and hydrothermal coefficients. For more detailed analysis of spatial and temporal dynamics of climate change and their impacts we have integrated into our system the special additional statistical packages of program language R that allow to use new more powerful methods of analysis (time-dependent statistics of extremes, quantile regression and copula approach) and thus do more detailed analysis of different extremes, determine the degree of their impacts, and obtain structural links between these extremes and different characteristics of the environment.
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