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6. Entin, A. R., A. I. Zajtsev, N. I. Nenashev, V. B. Vasilenko, A. I. Orlov, O. A. Tjan, Ju. A. Ol'hovik, S. I. Ol'shtynskij, and A. V. Tolstov. 1990. "On the Geological Sequence of Events Related to the Intrusion of Tomtor Alkaline Ultrabasic Rocks and Carbonatites (N-W Yakutia)." Geology and Geophysics 12: 42-45. (In Russian: Entin, A.R., Zajtsev, A.I., Nenashev, N.I., Vasilenko, V.B., Orlov, A.I., Tjan, O.A., Ol'hovik, Ju.A., Ol'shtynskij, S.I., Tolstov, A.V. (1990). O posledovatel'nosti geologicheskih sobytij, svjazannyh s vnedreniem Tomtorskogo massiva ul'traosnovnyh shhelochnyh porod i karbonatitov (S-Z Jakutiya). Geologiya i geofizika, 12: 42-45.)
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11. Kryukov V. A., Tolstov A.V., Afanasiev V.P., Samsonov N.Yu., and Kryukov Ya.V. 2016. "Providing the Russian Industry with High-Tech Products Based on the Raw Material From the Giant Deposits in the Arctic -Tomtor Niobium-Rare Earth and Popigai Superhard Abrasive." In North and the Arctic in the New Paradigm of Global Development. Luzin Readings -2016, edited by E. P. Bashmakova and E. E. Toropushina, 204-206. Apatity: IEP KSC RAS. (In Russian: Kryukov, V.A., Tolstov, A.V., Afanasiev, V.P. Samsonov, N.Yu., Kryukov, Ya.V. (2016) Obespechenie rossijskoj promyshlennosti vysokotehnologichnoj syr'evoj produktsiej na osnove gigantskih mestorozhdenij Arktiki – Tomtorskogo niobij–redkozemel'nogo i Popigajskogo sverhtverdogo abrazivnogo materiala in Bashmakova E.P. and Toropushina E.E. (eds.) " Sever i Arktika v novoj paradigme mirovogo razvitija. Luzinskie chtenija – 2016" (pp. 204-206). Apatity: IEP KSC RAS.)
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14. Nicoletopoulos, V. European Policies on Critical Materials, Including REE//ERES2014:1st European Rare Earth Resources Conference/Milos/04-09/09/2014. http://www.eurare.eu/docs/eres2014/fourthSession/VasiliNicoletopoulos.pdf.
15. Pokhilenko, N. P., V. A. Kryukov, A. V. Tolstov, and N. Y. Samsonov. 2014. "Tomtor as a Priority Investment Project of Ensuring Russia's Own Source of Rare Earth Elements." ECO 2: 22-35. (In Russian: Pokhilenko, N.P., Kryukov, V.A., Tolstov, A.V.,Samsonov, N.Y. (2014). Tomtor kak prioritetnyj investitsionnyj proekt obespecheniya Rossii sobstvennym istochnikom redkozemel'nyh elementov. ECO, 2: 22-35.). doi: 10.12737/5224
16. Pokhilenko, N. P., V. A. Kryukov, A. V. Tolstov, and N. Yu Samsonov. 2016. "Creating a Strong Rare Earth Industry in Russia: State Corporations Without not Overpower." ECO 8: 25-36. (In Russian: Pokhilenko N.P., Kryukov V.A., Tolstov A.V., Samsonov N. Yu. (2016). Sozdanie sil'noj redkozemel'noj promyshlennosti Rossii: bes goskorporatsij ne osilit'. ECO, 8: 25-36.).
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19. Tolstov, A. V., A. D. Konoplev, and V. I. Kuzmin. 2011. "The Peculiarities of Forming the Unique Rare Metal Deposit Tomtor and Estimation of Perspectives of its Industrial." Prospect and Protection of Mineral Resources 6: 20-25. (In Russian: Tolstov, A.V., Konoplev, A.D., Kuzmin, V.I. (2011). Osobennosti formirovaniya unikal'nogo redkometall'nogo mestorozhdeniya Tomtor i otsenka perspektiv ego osvoeniya. Razvedka i ohrana nedr, 6: 20-25.)
20. Tolstov, A. V., N. P. Pokhilenko, A. V. Lapin, V. A. Kryukov, and N.Yu. Samsonov. 2014. "Investment Appeal of Tomtor Deposit and Prospect of its Increase." Prospect and Protection of Mineral Resources 9: 25-30. (In Russian: Tolstov, A.V., Pokhilenko, N.P., Lapin A.V., Kryukov, V.A., Samsonov N.Yu. (2014). Investitsionnaya privlekatel'nost' tomtorskogo mestorozhdeniya i perspektivy ee povysheniya. Razvedka i ohrana nedr, 9: 25-30.)
21. Tolstov A.V., Samsonov N.Y.. 2014. "Tomtor: Geology, Technology, Economy." ECO 2: 36-44. (In Russian: Tolstov, A.V., Samsonov, N.Y. (2014). Tomtor: geologiya, tekhnologiya, ekonomika. ECO, 2: 36-44.) doi: 10.12737/6732