Цитирование: | 1. A Frequent Concepts Based Document Clustering Algorithm
By: Baghel, R.; Dhir, D. R.
Int. J. Comput. Appl. Volume: 4 Issue: 5 Pages: 6-12 Published: 2010
Frequent Term-based Text Clustering
By: Beil, F.; Ester, M.; Xu, X.
P 8 ACM SIGKDD INT C Pages: 436-442 Published: 2002
Algorithmic clustering of music based on string compression
By: Cilibrasi, R; Vitanyi, P; de Wolf, R
COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Pages: 49-67 Published: DEC 2004
Clustering by compression
By: Cilibrasi, R; Vitanyi, PMB
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Pages: 1523-1545 Published: APR 2005
5. A complex approach to the problem of determining the authorship of the text
By: Khmelev, D. V.
MEZHD K RUSSK YAZ IS Pages: 426-427 Published: 2001
Some effective techniques for naive Bayes text classification
By: Kim, Sang-Bum; Han, Kyoung-Soo; Rim, Hae-Chang; et al.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING Volume: 18 Issue: 11 Pages: 1457-1466 Published: NOV 2006
Title: [not available]
PROBL PEREDACHI INF Volume: 37 Pages: 96 Published: 2001
The similarity metric
By: Li, M; Chen, X; Li, X; et al.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Volume: 50 Issue: 12 Pages: 3250-3264 Published: DEC 2004
9. Title: [not available]
By: Li, M.; Vitanyi, P. M. B.
An Introduction to Kolmog-orov Complexity and Its Applications Pages: 637 Published: 1997
Publisher: Springer-Verlag, New York
10. Conditional Complexity of Compression for Authorship Attribution
By: Malyutov, M. B.; Wickramasinghe, C. I.; Li, S.
SFB 649 Discussion Paper No. 57 Pages: 38 Published: 2007
Publisher: Humboldt University, Berlin
11. Title: [not available]
By: Malyutov, M. B.
SPRINGER LECT NOTES Volume: 4123 Pages: 362-380 Published: 2007
12. Classification of documents in vector space
By: Matyasko, A. A.; Khaustov, V. A.
INF TEKHN SIST 2012 Pages: 140-141 Published: 2012
13. Document clustering using character n-grams: A comparative evaluation with term-based and word-based clustering
By: Miao, Y.; Keselj, V.; Milios, E.
CIKM 05 Pages: 357-358 Published: 2005
14. Title: [not available]
By: Ryabko, B.; Astola, J.; Malyutov, M.
Publisher: Springer, New York
15. Graph clustering
By: Schaeffer, Satu Elisa
COMPUTER SCIENCE REVIEW Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 27-64 Published: AUG 2007
16. Classification of texts with decision trees and neural networks of direct propagation, Vestn
By: Shevelev, O. G.; Petrakov, A. V.
Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Volume: 290 Pages: 300-307 Published: 2006
A comparison among three neural networks for text classification
By: Wang, Zhan; He, Yifan; Jiang, Minghu
2006 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-4 Book Series: International Conference on Signal Processing Pages: 1883-+ Published: 2006