Инд. авторы: Agatova A.R., Nepop R.K.
Заглавие: Pleistocene glaciations of the SE Altai, Russia, based on geomorphological data and absolute dating of glacial deposits in Chagan reference section
Библ. ссылка: Agatova A.R., Nepop R.K. Pleistocene glaciations of the SE Altai, Russia, based on geomorphological data and absolute dating of glacial deposits in Chagan reference section // Geochronometria. - 2017. - Vol.44. - Iss. 1. - P.49-65. - ISSN 1733-8387.
Внешние системы: DOI: 10.1515/geochr-2015-0059; РИНЦ: 29483089; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85017318122; WoS: 000418580000004;
Реферат: eng: Geomorphological evidence of at least two Pleistocene glacial epochsis noted within the Chagan-Uzun river basin, SE Altai. A review and analysis of all available absolute dates for reference Chagan section is presented. The highest correlation amongst all TL dates is observed for the lens of glacio-lacustrine sediments-the most suitable among glacial deposits for luminescence dating, and indicates its possible Middle Pleistocene age. IRSL dates obtained from feldspar indicate a Middle Pleistocene age of moraines already in the upper part of the section. The small number of obtained IRSL dates does not allow making geochronological reconstructions of the Pleistocene glaciations, but gives the possibility for further experiments with different variation of OSL (IRSL) techniques. Strong low temperature peak in TL signal and strong response to IR stimulation are specific regional quartz features, which could be explained by combination of short transportation distance and low number of depositional cycles for mineral grains. Available radiocarbon dates of carbonate concretions from this section are not related to the age of moraine sedimentation and most likely indicate the period of the Chagan river incision into the ancient glacial deposits. This study has shown that TL method is not valid for dating glacial sediments and TL dates cannot be utilized as chronostratigraphic markers. Generally, the Chagan section could hardly serve as a reference section for the Altai stratigraphy; available depositional correlation schemes for the Russian Altai and Siberia which are based on several TL dates obtained in the last century needs to be improved. © 2016 A. R. Agatova and R. K. Nepop 2016.
Ключевые слова: radiocarbon dating; Pleistocene; luminescent dating; glacial sedimentation; Chagan section; Russian Altai;
Издано: 2017
Физ. характеристика: с.49-65
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