Инд. авторы: | Тасейко О.В., Москвичев В.В. |
Заглавие: | Концепция информационной системы территориального управления рисками и безопасностью |
Библ. ссылка: | Тасейко О.В., Москвичев В.В. Концепция информационной системы территориального управления рисками и безопасностью // Enviromis 2016: международная конференция и школа молодых ученых по измерению, моделированию и информационным системам для изучения окружающей среды. - 2016. - Томск: Томский центр научно-технической информации. - С.374-375. - ISBN: 978-5-89702-362-2. |
Внешние системы: | РИНЦ: 27616027; |
Реферат: | eng: The main problems of natural-technogenic safety of industrial and developing regions are defined by destabi- lization processes in the “society-technospere-natural environment” system, not taking into account of concepts of sustainable development. Therefore, a new complex approach is required, that can take into account ecological and technogenic aspects that are not generally considered together in traditional assessment methods, for a social-natural-technogenic safety of industrial regions [1]. Two types of strategic risks for social-natural-technogenic systems have the greatest significance in the pro- cesses of forecast models of country development strategy [2]: 3. individual strategic risks of human morbidity and mortality; 4. economic risks of social-natural-technological system developing. The strategic objective of expected development should be considered decreasing an individual and social risks to the acceptable scientifically based levels. Individual risks demand the assessment of the certain input data provided with some kind of environmental monitoring: • natural environment: urban air quality, water quality of the big and small currents; • technical systems: industrial hazards for human health; • social: morbidity and mortality urban habitants. The necessity of information systemdevelopment to manage by regional risks and safety for industrial regions, constituents of country and regions are defined by some facts: monitoring systems have tremendous amount of meas- ured parameters, these parameters depend on huge amount of factors, and analysis of these factors is complicated. This system has to solve the following problems: • individual risk assessment; • development of the ecological standards characterizing acceptable exposure on ecosystems taking into account regional geoecological features and specifics of anthropogenic influence; • complex characteristics of social-natural-technogenic systems, territory rating by the risks level with using of geographic information system technologies; • programs and actions development aiming at decrease in risk levels; formulation of recommendations about effective management of regional development. The main complexity of such information system is connected to not so much presentation and storage of environmental monitoring data as development of risk assessment models on the base of these data. |
Издано: | 2016 |
Физ. характеристика: | с.374-375 |
Конференция: | Название: 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference and Early Career Scientists School on Environmental Observations, Modelling and Information Systems Аббревиатура: ENVIROMIS-2016 Город: Tomsk Страна: Russia Даты проведения: 2016-07-11 - 2016-07-16 Ссылка: http://www.scert.ru/ru/conference/enviromis2016/ |
Цитирование: | 1. Безопасность и риски устойчивого развития территорий: монография / В.Е. Левкевич, А.М, Лепихин, В.В. Москвичев, П.Г. Никитенко, В.В. Ничепорчук, Н.Я. Шапарев, Ю.И. Шокин. - Красноярск: Сиб. федер. ун-т, 2014. - 224 с. 2. Научные основы прогнозирования и прогнозные показатели социально-экономического и научно-технологического развития России до 2030 года с использованием критериев стратегических рисков / Н.А. Махутов, Кузык Б.Н., Абросимов Н.В. - М. ИНЭС, 2011. - 137 с. 3. Bezopasnost i riski ustojchivogo razvitiya territorij; monografiya / V.E. Levkevich, A.M. Lepihin, V.V. Moskvichev, P.G. Nikitenko, V.V. Nicheporchuk, N.Ya. Shaparev, Yu.I. Shokin. - Krasnoyarsk: Sib. feder. un-t, 2014. - 224 p. 4. Nauchnye osnovy prognozirovaniya i prognoznye pokazateli socialno-ehkonomicheskogo i nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossii do 2030 goda s ispolzovaniem kriteriev strategicheskih riskov / N.A. Mahutov, B.N. Kuzyk, N.V. Abrosimov. - M.: INEHS, 2011. - 137 p. |