Инд. авторы: Platov G., Klimova E.
Заглавие: The results of numerical simulation of the lena river runoff with the assimilation of satellite data: summer 2008
Библ. ссылка: Platov G., Klimova E. The results of numerical simulation of the lena river runoff with the assimilation of satellite data: summer 2008 // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center. Series: Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. - 2014. - Vol.14. - P.55-72. - ISSN 1680-6999.
Внешние системы: РИНЦ: 25467846;
Реферат: eng: The paper discusses the results of preliminary experiments to test the quality of the data assimilation procedure based on the use of ensemble Kalman filter applied to the basin of the Laptev Sea in the vicinity of the Lena Delta. As perturbation we used the river runoff closure, and as the true values -- the surface salinity, taken from a reference experiment with the included river inflow. The comparison of two numerical experiments with assimilation of simulated salinity data and without assimilation shows that the proposed assimilation procedure is able to restore adequately the salinity field.
Издано: 2014
Физ. характеристика: с.55-72
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