Реферат: | eng: Geochemical study of the metamorphosed pillow lavas of the Chara Zone revealed that their protoliths have N-MORB compositions. Elevated concentrations of K, Rb, Cs, and lower Ca may be related not to blueschist metamorphism, but rather they may be inherited from underwater alteration of parental basalts. Comparative analysis of the compositions of massive glaucophanites and vein rocks demonstrated the relative mobility of Sr, U, P, Ba, Rb, K, Cs, Ca, and LREEs, at least on the local scale. Their mobility has been provided by fluids circulating in the subduction zone, where the fluids have been generated through slab dehydratation processes. These studies of metamorphosed pillow lavas of the Chara Zone displayed only local alterations in the bulk composition of their protoliths, which evidences a low intensity of fluid flows: this allowed preservation of the geochemistry of oceanic basalts.
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