Инд. авторы: | Vshivkova L.V., Dudnikova G.I., Liseykina T.V., Mesyats E.A. |
Заглавие: | Hybrid simulation of collisionless shock waves using the PIC-method |
Библ. ссылка: | Vshivkova L.V., Dudnikova G.I., Liseykina T.V., Mesyats E.A. Hybrid simulation of collisionless shock waves using the PIC-method // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center. Series: Numerical Analysis. - 2015. - Vol.17. - P.79-88. - ISSN 1680-7006. |
Внешние системы: | РИНЦ: 27300174; |
Реферат: | eng: We present a 2D hybrid numerical plasma model for the simulation of the physical processes in supernova remnant shock precursor. In simulation, a shock is generated by sending a supersonic flow against a reflecting wall. The interaction between the incoming and reflected streams produces a sharp discontinuity, which moves away from the wall. The hybrid approach reduces computer costs relative to a fully kinetic approach while treating ions with a greater accuracy than MHD allows. Another important advantage of the hybrid approach is a possibility to study important instabilities on the ion time scale, neglecting the high-frequency modes associated with electrons. The new numerical model to investigate the processes of particle acceleration on the front of a shock wave is presented.
Издано: | 2015 |
Физ. характеристика: | с.79-88 |
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