Инд. авторы: Цыденов Б.О., Старченко А.В.
Заглавие: Применение двухпараметрической к - ю-модели турбулентности для исследования явления термобара
Библ. ссылка: Цыденов Б.О., Старченко А.В. Применение двухпараметрической к - ю-модели турбулентности для исследования явления термобара // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Математика и механика. - 2014. - № 5. - С.104-113. - ISSN 1998-8621. - EISSN 2311-2255.
Внешние системы: РИНЦ: 22548343;
Реферат: rus: При математическом моделировании явления термобара впервые применена двухпараметрическая дифференциальная k-ю-модель для расчёта значений коэффициентов турбулентной вязкости и диффузии. Проведен сравнительный анализ алгебраической модели Холланда П.Р. и др. и двухпарамет-рической дифференциальной k-ю-модели Уилкокса на примере воспроизведения термобара в канадском озере Камлупс.
eng: In this paper, the phenomenon of the thermal bar in Kamloops Lake (Canada) is studied with a nonhydrostatic mathematical model. A thermal bar is a narrow zone in a lake in temperate latitudes where maximum-density waters sink from the surface to the bottom. Two different turbulence models are compared: the algebraic model of Holland P. R. et al. [1] and the two-equation k-ю model of Wilcox D.C. [2]. The two-parameter model of turbulence developed by D.C. Wilcox consists of equations for turbulence kinetic energy (k) and specific dissipation rate (ro).The mathematical model which includes the Coriolis force due to the Earth''s rotation, is written in the Boussinesq approximation with the continuity, momentum, energy, and salinity equations. The Chen-Millero equation [8], adopted by UNESCO, was taken as the equation of state. The formulated problem is solved by the finite volume method. The numerical algorithm for finding the flow and temperature fields is based on the Crank-Nicholson difference scheme. The convective terms in the equations are approximated by a second-order upstream QUICK scheme [10]. To calculate the velocity and pressure fields, the SIMPLED procedure for buoyant flows [11], which is a modification of the well-known Patankar''s SIMPLE method [9], has been developed. The systems of grid equations at each time step are solved by the under-relaxation method or N.I. Buleev''s explicit method [12]. The turbulence models were applied to predict the evolution of the spring thermal bar in Kamloops Lake. The numerical experiments have shown that the application of the k-ю turbulence model leads to new effects in the thermal bar evolution.
Ключевые слова: численный эксперимент; термобар; Kamloops Lake; numerical experiment; thermal bar; Boussinesq approximation; temperature of maximum density; математическое моделирование; модель турбулентности; озеро Камлупс;
Издано: 2014
Физ. характеристика: с.104-113
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