Инд. авторы: | Паасонен В.И. |
Заглавие: | Компактные схемы третьего порядка точности на неравномерных адаптивных сетках |
Библ. ссылка: | Паасонен В.И. Компактные схемы третьего порядка точности на неравномерных адаптивных сетках // Вычислительные технологии. - 2015. - Т.20. - № 2. - С.56-64. - ISSN 1560-7534. - EISSN 2313-691X. |
Внешние системы: | РИНЦ: 23293992; |
Реферат: | rus: Для одномерного нелинейного уравнения Шредингера и уравнения теплопроводности рассматриваются компактные разностные схемы третьего порядка точности на неравномерных сетках с аппроксимацией второго порядка по эволюционной переменной. При численной реализации схем применялась динамическая адаптация сетки к решению с интерполяцией решения на новую сетку на каждом шаге. Проведено численное исследование созданных алгоритмов в сравнении с известными методами. eng: Compact difference schemes of the third order of accuracy (with the second order of approximation on an evolutionary variable) on non-uniform grids are created for both one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation and the heat conductivity equation. The purpose of this study aims at the development of such difference method for the considered equations in which some approaches for the increase of the efficiency of calculations are combined. These approaches include a non-uniform grid, a high order of approximation, lack of iterations on nonlinearity, dynamic adaptation of the grid to the solution and rather exact interpolation of the solution on a new grid. Accurate calculation of solutions with the concentrated waves in case of uniform grids requires quite small step. However, the small step is not required in zones with moderate values of gradient. Therefore, in this research we prefer to use the non-uniform grids. Another useful tool for improvement of the quality of calculations that we apply is the higher order of accuracy. For this purpose we implement a generalization of known compact schemes on a case of non-uniform grids in this research. The high-accurate technology of calculation is supplemented with the mechanism of adaptation of a grid to the solution. For this purpose, the evolutionary variable is reconstructed on each step, and the solution is interpolated on the new grid with sufficient accuracy. Formally, here we apply the two-layer schemes with double step on three layers. The center layer is used only for the approximation of non-linear part in the right hand side of equations. It allows us to exclude the need for iterations. Results of comparative calculations for compact schemes and known usual schemes are given in the final part of research. All carried-out calculations have shown the essential advantage of compact schemes in the accuracy and economy of resources. |
Ключевые слова: | компактная разностная схема; схема на неравномерной сетке; схема повышенного порядка точности; нелинейная волоконная оптика; Nonlinear fiber optics; high-order accuracy scheme; scheme on nonuniform grids; Compact difference scheme; Shrodinger Equation; уравнение Шредингера; |
Издано: | 2015 |
Физ. характеристика: | с.56-64 |
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