Инд. авторы: Ismagulov A.E., Babin S.A., Podivilov E.V., Shelemba I.S., Fedoruk M.P., Shtyrina O.V.
Заглавие: Modulation instability of narrow-band nanosecond pulses propagating in anomalous-dispersion fibre
Библ. ссылка: Ismagulov A.E., Babin S.A., Podivilov E.V., Shelemba I.S., Fedoruk M.P., Shtyrina O.V. Modulation instability of narrow-band nanosecond pulses propagating in anomalous-dispersion fibre // Quantum Electronics. - 2009. - Vol.39. - Iss. 8. - P.765-769. - ISSN 1063-7818. - EISSN 1468-4799.
Внешние системы: DOI: 10.1070/QE2009v039n08ABEH014011; РИНЦ: 15297204; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-71449100805; WoS: 000273671200015;
Реферат: eng: We demonstrate that, in the presence of noise, propagation of narrow-band 100-ns pulses through a 6-km long optical fibre sharply reduces their amplitude when a threshold power (similar to 0.2 W) is exceeded. The effect is due to the development of modulation instability and is sensitive to the noise level in the spectral region similar to 100 GHz in width around the central frequency.
Издано: 2009
Физ. характеристика: с.765-769