Инд. авторы: Amelin I., Gusiakov V., Lyapidevskaya Z.
Заглавие: Estimates of the impact frequency of cosmic bodies on the Earth
Библ. ссылка: Amelin I., Gusiakov V., Lyapidevskaya Z. Estimates of the impact frequency of cosmic bodies on the Earth // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center. Series: Mathemaical Modeling in Geophysics. - 2013. - Vol.16. - P.1-18. - ISSN 1680-6980.
Внешние системы: РИНЦ: 20163434; РИНЦ: 25482185;
Реферат: eng: A new method of estimating the impact frequency of celestial bodies on the Earth, with corrections for the rate of crater erosion is proposed. This method is based on the content of the Expert Database on the Earth`s impact structures (EDEIS) that has been developed and is being maintained in the Tsunami Laboratory of the ICMMG SB RAS. The EDEIS contains both fully proven and justified craters and structures whose impact origin is still needed to be confirmed. To take into account the crater erosion on the Earth`s surface, the balance equation is used. The crater size--frequency distribution contains a single empirical constant and is applied to the range of crater diameters varying from 0.025 to 200 km. The results show a good agreement with the estimates of impact frequencies obtained by other authors. The dependence of impact frequency on the kinetic energy, the diameter of the crater and projectile diameter has been established.
Издано: 2013
Физ. характеристика: с.1-18
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